
Americas Prisons Research Network

The Americas Prisons Research Network is a platform for sharing research and connecting academics and practitioners working in the prisons and corrections sector across the Americas.


Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation

The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, a nonpartisan organization, encourages research, reflection and action in four areas important to Canadians: human rights and dignity, responsible citizenship, Canada's role in the world, and people and their natural environment. It funds doctoral students’ research in these areas.


PhD Program in Criminal Justice - John Jay College & CUNY Graduate Center

The PhD program in Criminal Justice, run jointly by the CUNY Graduate Center and John Jay College of Criminal Justice, is an inter-disciplinary doctoral degree, with an emphasis on both research and policy.

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Canada Drug Future Forums

Canada’s Drug Futures Forum: Summary of Proceedings and Final Recommendations” synthesizes dialogue generated by speakers at the 2017 Forum and outlines recommendations from over 200 policymakers, public health officials, law enforcement professionals, researchers, people who use drugs, and community organizers, providing an innovative roadmap to improve Canada’s policy response to illegal drugs over the coming ten years.



#WomenAlsoKnowStuff promotes and publicizes the work and expertise of scholars in political science who identify as women. Its searchable database helps academics and journalists identify and connect with women academics conducting research on a multitude of issues related to the study of politics.