Professional Experience

I have over fifteen years' experience in policy and program management, primarily in Latin America and the Caribbean, with international organizations and grassroots NGOs. Across issues and roles, I try to take on a bridging or intermediary role, to connect the concerns and skills of people most affected by crime, violence, and inequality with decision-makers, resources, and policy levers. I have received numerous awards and fellowships in recognition of my research.

Select projects in which I’ve had a significant role:

  • In partnership with university faculty teams and local county governments, analyzing county jail booking data to determine pathways in and out of jails in rural areas, and then building policy proposals based on this analysis (Vera Institute of Justice)

  • Designing and implementing a doctoral research project on institutional reforms in the Dominican Republic’s prison system

  • Developing the second phase of the Community Action for Public Safety project in Belize, including community violence prevention and juvenile justice ($5M, Inter-American Development Bank)

  • Coordinating the proposal and funding approvals for the Citizen Security and Justice Programme II in Jamaica, on restorative justice, social cohesion, and youth employment ($55M, Inter-American Development Bank)

  • Managing Canadian government funding for transitional justice and conflict mediation projects in Guatemala and Colombia ($1.5M and $5M annually, Global Affairs Canada)

  • Analyzing the causes and consequences of restrictive housing in US prisons and jails (Vera Institute of Justice)

  • Coordinating a major conference on drug policy in Canada, including diverse viewpoints, in the lead-up to the legalization of cannabis (Canada Drug Futures Forum)

  • Developing and fundraising the inaugural Awesome Arts Program -- social justice education through the arts -- for youth in Ottawa (One World Arts, a local nonprofit)


Vera Institute of Justice

Senior Research Associate, Jail Decarceration Program

Inter-American Development Bank

Policy Specialist, Citizen Security and Justice Group (Institutional Capacity of the State Division)

Research and Evaluation Center, John Jay College

Research Associate:  project evaluation in the juvenile justice sector

Global Affairs Canada 

Program Analyst, Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force (START) (now Peace and Stabilization Operations Program);  Policy Analyst, Central America & Caribbean Bureau.  (Recruitment of Policy Leaders Program)


Consultant on program evaluation, monitoring and evaluation plans, and prisoner surveys. Inter-American Development Bank.

Pan-American Development Foundation, Washington, DC.

Co-Founder and Coordinator of the Americas Prisons Research Network: website and meetings.

Conference Coordination and Report Team: Canada’s Drug Futures Forum.

Policy Researcher: Gap Analysis Report: Citizen Security in Belize. Inter-American Development Bank.

NGO Experience

One World Arts (Volunteer Chair, Board of Directors) - Canada

Agency for the Development of Women and Children (ADWAC) - The Gambia

CRISPAZ - El Salvador

ProNica - Nicaragua